Plant Now: Snowdrops and Snowflakes

Snowdrops Galanthus

It’s easy to understand the confusion between snowdrops (Galanthus) and snowflakes (Leucojum), but they’re actually quite easy to tell apart when you know how. Take a closer look. Snowdrops have three long petals and three short ones. A snowflake’s petals are all the same length.

Snowdrops also flower from early winter (June/July) to late spring, while snowflakes flower with the daffodils in late September. But while they flower at opposite ends of the season, Paul Hoek from NZ Bulbs says the planting time is very similar. “It makes little difference that they flower at different times. Galanthus, however, are a relatively soft bulb, and they prefer to be in the ground early rather than late, so best to plant them by the end of April. Leucojum are fine to be planted as late as the end of May.”

So get cracking and plant those snowdrops now. If you live down south, snowdrops are ideal for you. They do best in cooler areas. Snowflakes, on the other hand, grow well in warmer areas.



  1. Robin Probst says:

    My Spring Snowflakes are blooming this week and last. February 18 – 25th, 2013. I live in Houston, Texas and we had a pretty mild winter.

  2. Hi, can you tell me where I can buy bulbs for Snow Flake. I live in Hamilton NZ.
    Many thanks

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